As you know Guild vs Guild fights are an essential part of Albion Online, and this test it took the community just 3 days to claim a huge bunch of territories – and it didn’t take them much longer to get the first fights scheduled. Here is an overview of the fights happening today.
Game 1 ST vs LOD
Lords of Death are a very experienced Darkfall guild who have been in Albion tests ever since. However, they’re up against the “Polish Power House” from the previous test, ScoiaTael. SociaTael was able to dominate in the last test and it became quickly clear that they were a top guild even back then. However, this time the main group of ScoiaTael only started on Day 2, which could give Lord of Death an advantage. But don’t forget that Nutshells (the acadamy of ScoiaTael) has been there from Day 1 and they may support them with resources and buildings. For me this is the most interesting match today.
Game 2
However LoD is being attacked at the same time at two different territories. Maybe this was planned, maybe it was a mistake on LoD’s part. From previous test my impression was that LoD are very experienced, but do not have great numbers. Their Russian opponents, Insane, were enthusiastic players also in the last test, and I am quite certain that they will pose a similar threat to LoD as ScoiaTael will do. Perhaps this is even a more dangerous matchup. I do not see LoD winning both games. If they are smart they’ll choose one territory to assign their A-Team to during this match and give up the other fight without risking any valuable resources. Defender Points are still up to 3 so there will be enough time to defend that territory later on.
Game 3
Facepunch is a guild from a very large community. They have a very ambitious leader in Sam but the rest of the team seems to fluctuate a little. I wasn’t able to see any other old faces from last test but that’s maybe just me. However, they identified a territory from a guild which broke up and probably won’t even show up to defend (I certainly haven’t seen any of them online for a while). So easy win for Facepunch here.
Game 4
And this win from above is necessarily needed if Vendetta are to get this territory from Facepunch. If you havent had heard it yet, Vendetta is the clear number one spot after the first days of the test. The experienced Darkfall guild, led by brothers Skytea and Teasky, is well organised and have the highest tier production buildings yet. Of course there is the strong Defender Bonus, but I doubt that it will save Facepunch. Everything else but a win for Vendetta would be a surprise to everyone.
Game 5
And that Vendetta scheduled a 2nd attack at the same time just shows nothing but their current confidence. The Gentlemen are newcomers in this thread and my guess would be that they maybe went a bit to far by claiming a territory in the red zone. They’ve just barely reached T3 while Vendetta is steering towards T5, and needless to say the latter have a huge knowledge advantage as well, having played in almost every test in 2013 and being there with the Albion team almost from the start. I just hope that The Gentlemen don’t lose their motivation. Small hint for The Gentlemen: why not hire some mercenaries from Hammer & Sickle. They are one of my secret tips amongst the Russian guilds.